Speech Therapy may be what your child needs


Are you concerned about your child’s ability to understand language or to respond appropriately to questions or instructions?

Does your child stumble when speaking; often repeating sounds, words or phrases? Do they take long pauses when trying to get a word or sentence out?

Is your child frequently frustrated because they’re not being understood? Are they leaving sounds out of words or substituting some sounds for others?

Does your child seem to have difficulty organsing their thoughts and using logical, grammatically correct sentences when speaking?

Does your child have difficulty socialising with other children eg. taking turns, playing cooperatively, engaging in and initiating a variety of activities?

Does your child have a husky, hoarse, or nasal-sounding voice? Do they sometimes lose their voice altogether?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions then speech therapy may help



Find out more about Christine Nicolson and how speech therapy can help your child.


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